The Prairie Bistro & Gardens (The Flower House) has grown from a tiny hoop house built for a home garden in 1969 to a full-service destination garden center. We couldn’t be more excited to help you with all of your plant needs as we head into our next 50 years! From growing your own vegetable garden, patio planters, and houseplants our knowledgeable staff is always ready to help.

Want to get a head start? Join us for one of our classes or use our potting up bench. We will keep your plants warm and watered until it is warm enough to take them home.

In addition to the best selection of quality plants around, The Flower House Garden Center has an interesting collection of accessories for your garden and for gift giving. Can’t decide which planter is perfect as a gift? Our gift certificates are good for garden accessories, plants and also work at The Prairie Bistro.